Ficedula Zanthopygia Bird
Ficedula Zanthopygia Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Muscicapa zanthopygia MadrasJ.Lit.Sci. 13 p.162
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Muscicapidae / Ficedula
Taxonomy Code: korfly1
Type Locality: Malacca.
Author: Hay
Publish Year: 1845
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Muscicapidae; † Pied Flycatcher F. hypoleuca) L. ficedula, ficetula or ficecula small fig-pecking bird that changed into the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla in winter < ficus fig (cf. specific name Motacilla ficedula Linnaeus, 1758 (= syn. Ficedula hypoleuca)); "Genus Ficedulæ. Hujus character est Digiti quatuor, membranis destituti; tres scilicet antici, posticus unus; omnes circiter usque ad exortum discreti: Crura ad calcaneum usque plumosa: Rostrum subulatum: Nares detectæ: Unguis digiti postici arcuatus, digitumque longitudine non superans. ** 1. LE BECFIGUE. ... FICEDULA. ... Ficis delectatur." (Brisson 1760); ex "Ficedula" of Gessner 1555, Aldrovandus 1599-1603, Jonston 1650-1653, Charleton 1668, Rzaczynski 1721, and Barrère 1745, "Ficedula quarta" of Aldrovandus 1599-1603, Willughby 1676, Ray 1713, and Linnaeus 1748, "Beccafico ordinario" of Olina 1622, "Curruca fusca" of Frisch 1733-1743, "Motacilla subfusca" of Linnaeus 1746, and "Sylvia rectricibus alarum macula alba" of Klein 1750; "Ficedula Brisson, 1760, Ornith., 3, p. 369. Type, by tautonymy, Ficedula = Motacilla hypoleuca Pallas." (Watson in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 335).
Synon. Briania, Charidhylas, Dammeria, Dendrobiastes, Digenea, Dimorpha, Erythromyias, Erythrosterna, Hedymela, Menetica, Muscicapella, Muscicapula, Muscicula, Nitidula, Ochromela, Oreicola, Poliomyias, Ripleyia, Ripleyornis, Siphia, Stoparola, Synornis, Takatsukasaia, Zanthopygia.
• (Muscicapidae; syn. Erithacus † European Robin E. rubecula) "49. Gattung. Ficedula. 129. rubecula 130. suecica 131. phoenicurus 132. thytis" (Boie 1822); "Ficedula Boie, 1822, Isis von Oken, col. 553. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 36), Motacilla rubecula Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
• (Acrocephalidae; ?syn. Hippolais † Icterine Warbler H. icterina) "GENVS XXVIII. FICEDVLA. Fliegenschnepper. 109. Ficedula Hippolais. La Fauvette. ... Mus. Schaeffer No. 241. Briss. Av. III. 372. 2. La Fauvette. Linn. S. N. 12. 330. 7. Motacilla Hippolais" (Schaeffer 1789); "Ficedula Schaeffer, 1789, Mus. Ornith., p. 33. Type, by monotypy, Motacilla hippolais Linnaeus, 1758 (has been variously identified, but generally considered unidentifiable)." (JAJ 2021).
• (Muscicapidae; syn. Phoenicurus † Common Redstart P. phoenicurus) "VI. Fam. Sylviadae. Vigors. Ficedula Cuv.: Mot. phoenicurus Lin. u. a." (Boie 1826); "Ficedula "Cuvier" Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 972. Type, by monotypy, Motacilla phoenicurus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
• (Phylloscopidae; syn. Phylloscopus † Willow Warbler P. trochilus ) "XXXIII. Gattung. Laubvogel. Ficedula. ... Die zierlichen Vögelchen dieser Gattung sind Waldbewohner, die in ihrer äußern Gestalt sich den Nachtigallen nähern. Sie haben zum Hüpfen gestaltete, lange, schwache Füße. Drei Arten. 81. Grüner Laubvogel. Ficedula Sybilatrix. ... Motacilla Trochilus. Gmel. Linn. S. I. p. 995. n. 49. Sylvia Sybilatrix. Bechst. orn. T. p. 176. ... 82. Gelbfüßiger Laubvogel. Ficedula Fitis. ... Motacilla Trochilus var. β. Gmel. Linn. S. I. p. 996. n. 49. Motacilla Acredula. Schrank f. b. B. I. p. 184. n. 153. Sylvia Titis. Bechst. orn. T. p. 187. ... 83. Braunfüßiger Laubvogel. Ficedula rufa. ... Motacilla rufa. Gmel. Linn. S. I. p. 955. n. 63. Motacilla Trochilus. Schrank f. b. B. I. p. 193. Sylvia rufa. Bechst. orn. T. p. 188." (Koch 1816); "Ficedula Koch, 1816, System der baierischen Zoologie, I, p. 158. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1841, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. xi), P. hippolais auct. = Motacilla trochilus Linnaeus, 1758" (JAJ 2021).
• (Parulidae; syn. Setophaga † Northern Parula S. americana) "619. COMPSOTHLYPIS, Cab. 1850. ... Ficedula, Des Murs, 1853. (Parus americanus, Linn.)" (G. Gray 1855); "Ficedula "Des Murs" G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 39 (nec auct.). Type, by original designation and monotypy, Parus americanus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
• (Parulidae; syn. Setophaga † Myrtle Warbler S. coronata) "617. DENDROICA, G. R. Gr. 1842. Ficedula, Cuv. 1799-1800, nec Mœhr. 1752. ... (Sylvia coronata, Lath.)" (G. Gray 1855); "Ficedula "Cuvier" G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 39 (nec auct.). Type, by original designation and monotypy, Sylvia coronata, Latham = Motacilla coronata Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).
• (Sylviidae; syn. Sylvia † Eurasian Blackcap S. atricapilla) "The best and most appropriate name that has hitherto been applied to the fruit-eating birds, is the term Ficedula of Aldrovandus. The appellation Curruca (derived from the Latin word curro, to run), cannot with propriety be affixed to any genus of warblers, inasmuch as they all move forward by hopping; it would therefore, I think, be better to reject altogether the term Curruca, as objectionable and inappropriate, and consider the sylvan or fruit-warblers as constituting a genus Ficedula" (Blyth 1833); "Ficedula Blyth, 1833, Field Naturalist (ed. Rennie), I (7), p. 308. New name for Curruca Bechstein, 1802, mistakenly considered derived from an inappropriate adjective (Curruca has a noun base)." (JAJ 2021).
L. ficedula small fig-eating bird that changed into the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla in winter.
● "99. MOTACILLA. ... Ficedula. 11. M. subfusca, subtus alba, pectore cinereo maculato. Fn. svec. 231. Ficedula cannabina. Will. orn. 163. Raj. av. 81. n. 12. Alb. av. 3. p. 25. t. 26. Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (unident.; ?syn. Muscicapa striata).
zanthopygia / zanthopygius
Gr. ξανθος xanthos yellow; -πυγιος -pugios -rumped < πυγη pugē rump.
(syn. Ficedula Ϯ Yellow-rumped Flycatcher F. zanthopygia) Specific name Muscicapa zanthopygia Hay, 1845; "Zanthopygia, nobis. This is a genus of Chat-flycatchers, which I am not as yet prepared to approximate to any other. In the form of its beak, it bears much resemblance to the Australian genera Eopsaltria and Petroica (which branch off from Pachycephala*), and also to the Pratincolæ; but of the two species to be described, the bill of the first is vertically deeper than that of the second, which renders generalization more difficult, although the generic identity of the two birds is unquestionable. Bill of mean length, acutely triangular as viewed from above, or much narrower than in the more characteristic Flycatchers; its upper ridge angulated, and the tip of the upper mandible incurved and emarginated: gape beset with fine hair-like vibrissæ. Tarsi and toes moderately small and weak, the tarse as long as the middle toe with its claw; wings reaching half-way down the tail, their first primary short, only a quarter the length of the second, which is shorter than the fifth, the third and fourth being subequal and longest. Tail of mean length. Plumage rather firm: the males black above, with yellow rump and under-parts, and a large white wing-spot. From Malasia. Z. leucophrys, nobis. ... Colour deep black above, bright yellow below and on the rump ... The femaleϮ differs widely in being a light olive-green above, tinged with grey ... From Malacca. Z. chrysophrys, nobis. ... The female I have not seen, nor am I aware of the habitat of the species; but have some reason to suspect Australia, in which case it will probably bear a prior name. ... *Timixos meruloides, nobis, J.A.S. XI, 195, is Pachycephala olivacea, Vig. and Horsf. ϮMuscicapa zanthopygia, A. Hay, Madr. Journ. No. XXXI [= XIII], 162." (Blyth 1847); "Zanthopygia Blyth, 1847, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 16, p. 123; emended to Xanthopygia by G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds Brit. Mus., p. 53. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, p. 53), Zanthopygia leucophrys Blyth [= Muscicapa zanthopygia Hay, 1845]." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 335). Var. Xanthopygia.
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)