Nesillas Typica Bird

Nesillas Typica Bird

Nesillas Typica Bird

English Name:  Madagascar Brush-Warbler
Latin Name:  Nesillas typica
Protonym:  Ellisia typica J.Orn. 8 p.92
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Acrocephalidae / Nesillas
Taxonomy Code:  madbrw1
Type Locality:  Madagascar.
Author:  Hartlaub
Publish Year:  1860
IUCN Status:  


(Acrocephalidae; Ϯ Madagascar Brush-warbler N. typica) Gr. νησος nēsos  island (= Madagascar); ιλλας illas, ιλλαδος illados  thrush; "ELLISIA Hartlaub.  The genus Ellisia Hartlaub [1860] must give way to Ellisia Forbes and Goodsir [1840], for a group of Polypi.  As Thamnornis Milne-Edwards, type chloropetoides, appears to be sufficiently distinct for generic separation, a new name is necessary for the species of Ellisia proper; and Nesillas, from νησος, insula, and ιλλας, turdus, is proposed, the type being Ellisia typica Hartlaub." (Oberholser 1899).
Synon. Ellisia.

typica / typicum / typicus
L. typicus  typical, type  < Gr. τυπικος tupikos  typical, conforming to type  < τυπος tupos  type. Epithet refers to a type species or, less frequently and not recorded here, to a specimen from the type locality. The following list is not exhaustive.
● Type species of genus Abeillia Bonaparte, 1850, hummingbird (syn. Abeillia abeillei).
● Type species of genus Saucerottia Bonaparte, 1850, beryl (syn. Amazilia saucerrottei).
● Type species of genus Hemistilbon Gould, 1861, beryl (syn. Amazilia saucerrottei).
● Type species of genus Barnardius Bonaparte, 1854, ringneck (syn. Barnardius barnardi).
● Type species of genus Coeligena Lesson, 1833, inca (syn. Coeligena coeligena).
● Type species of genus Helianthea Gould, 1848, star-frontlet (syn. Coeligena helianthea).
● Type species of genus Gazzola Bonaparte, 1853, crow (Corvus).
● Type species of genus Deconychura Cherrie, 1891, woodcreeper.
● Type species of genus Juliamyia Bonaparte, 1854, hummingbird (syn. Juliamyia julie).
● Type species of genus Oxynotus Swainson, 1832, cuckooshrike (Lalage).
● Type species of genus Melanodera Bonaparte, 1850 (syn. Melanodera melanodera).
● Type species of genus Ellisia Hartlaub, 1860, warbler (Nesillas).
● Type species of genus Pristoptera Bonaparte, 1857, saw-wing swallow (syn. Psalidoprocne pristoptera).
Type species of genus Pyrilia Bonaparte, 1856, parrot (syn. Pyrilia pyrilia).
● Type species of genus Helotarsus A. Smith, 1830, bateleur (syn. Terathopius ecaudatus).


Madagascar Brush-Warbler (moheliensis)
Latin Name: Nesillas typica moheliensis
mohelica / mohelicus / moheliensis
Mohéli, Comoro Is.

Madagascar Brush-Warbler (obscura)
Latin Name: Nesillas typica obscura
L. obscurus  dark, dusky, covered, obscure.
● ex “Dusky Duck” of Pennant 1785, and Latham 1785 (syn. Anas rubripes).
● ex “Brown Tern” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1785 (syn. Chlidonias niger).
● ex “Yacúhú” of de Azara 1802-1805, No. 335: “Yacús  ...  Asi llaman los Güaranís á tres páxaros  ...  á otro llamado Mitú” (Penelope).
● ex “Dusky Petrel” of Latham 1785 (?syn. Pterodroma alba; unident.).

Madagascar Brush-Warbler (typica)
Latin Name: Nesillas typica typica
typica / typicum / typicus
L. typicus  typical, type  < Gr. τυπικος tupikos  typical, conforming to type  < τυπος tupos  type. Epithet refers to a type species or, less frequently and not recorded here, to a specimen from the type locality. The following list is not exhaustive.
● Type species of genus Abeillia Bonaparte, 1850, hummingbird (syn. Abeillia abeillei).
● Type species of genus Saucerottia Bonaparte, 1850, beryl (syn. Amazilia saucerrottei).
● Type species of genus Hemistilbon Gould, 1861, beryl (syn. Amazilia saucerrottei).
● Type species of genus Barnardius Bonaparte, 1854, ringneck (syn. Barnardius barnardi).
● Type species of genus Coeligena Lesson, 1833, inca (syn. Coeligena coeligena).
● Type species of genus Helianthea Gould, 1848, star-frontlet (syn. Coeligena helianthea).
● Type species of genus Gazzola Bonaparte, 1853, crow (Corvus).
● Type species of genus Deconychura Cherrie, 1891, woodcreeper.
● Type species of genus Juliamyia Bonaparte, 1854, hummingbird (syn. Juliamyia julie).
● Type species of genus Oxynotus Swainson, 1832, cuckooshrike (Lalage).
● Type species of genus Melanodera Bonaparte, 1850 (syn. Melanodera melanodera).
● Type species of genus Ellisia Hartlaub, 1860, warbler (Nesillas).
● Type species of genus Pristoptera Bonaparte, 1857, saw-wing swallow (syn. Psalidoprocne pristoptera).
Type species of genus Pyrilia Bonaparte, 1856, parrot (syn. Pyrilia pyrilia).
● Type species of genus Helotarsus A. Smith, 1830, bateleur (syn. Terathopius ecaudatus).