Emarginata Tractrac Bird
Emarginata Tractrac Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Motacilla tractrac Encycl.London 16 p.89
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Muscicapidae / Emarginata
Taxonomy Code: tracha1
Type Locality: Auteniquois country, ex Levaillant [probably Orange River, vide Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., 2, p. 456].
Author: Wilkes
Publish Year: 1817
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Muscicapidae; † Sickle-winged Chat E. sinuata) L. emarginatus emarginated < emarginare to provide with a margin; "Sickle-winged Chat ... Tip of P9 greatly attenuated, in some specimens forming sickle 1 mm wide and 10 mm long" (Keith et al. 1992); "SAXICOLIDÆ. Genus I. EMARGINATA. Emarginata, gen. nov. . . . .Type. E. sinuata." (Shelley 1896); "Emarginata Shelley, Bds. Afr. i, p.89, 1896. Type by original designation, Luscinia sinuata Sund." (W. Sclater, 1839, Syst. Av. Aethiop., II, p. 459). Sharpe 1903, remarked that Emarginata was an adjective, and could not be employed in a generic sense. Such conservatism led to a proliferation of replacement names during the nineteenth century by authors like Illiger, Cabanis, and Sharpe.
Synon. Karrucincla, Phoenicuroides, Poliocichla, Psammocincla.
L. emarginatus emarginated < emarginare to provide with a margin < margo, marginis border, edge.
French onomatopoeia “Tractrac” given to the Tractrac Chat by Levaillant 1806, pl. 184, fig. 1 (Emarginata).
Tractrac Chat (hoeschi)
Latin Name: Emarginata tractrac hoeschi
hoeschi / hoeschianus
Walter Hoesch (1896-1961) German farmer, naturalist, collector, resident in Namibia 1930-1961 (subsp. Ammomanopsis grayi, Anthus, syn. Calendulauda sabota waibeli, syn. Cercomela familiaris angolensis, subsp. Emarginata tractrac, subsp. Eremopterix leucotis, syn. Peliperdix coqui).
Tractrac Chat (albicans)
Latin Name: Emarginata tractrac albicans
L. albicans, albicantis whitish, whitening < albicare to whiten < albus white.
● ex “Lanarius” of Aldrovandus 1599-1603, “Lanarius albicans” of Brisson 1760, and “White Lanner” of Latham 1781 (syn. Circus cyaneus).
Tractrac Chat (barlowi)
Latin Name: Emarginata tractrac barlowi
● Charles Sydney Barlow (1905-1979) South African entrepreneur, philanthropist, field ornithologist (subsp. Calendulauda erythrochlamys, subsp. Chersomanes albofasciata, subsp. Emarginata tractrac, syn. Eupodotis vigorsii namaqua, subsp. Spizocorys conirostris).
● Chester Barlow (1874-1902) US ornithologist, first editor of journal The Condor (subsp. Poecile rufescens).
Tractrac Chat (nebulosa)
Latin Name: Emarginata tractrac nebulosa
nebulosa / nebulosum / nebulosus
L. nebulosus misty, cloudy, dark < nebula cloud, mist.
● ex “Nebuleux” of Levaillant 1805, pl. 149 (Sylvia artefact).
Tractrac Chat (tractrac)
Latin Name: Emarginata tractrac tractrac
French onomatopoeia “Tractrac” given to the Tractrac Chat by Levaillant 1806, pl. 184, fig. 1 (Emarginata).
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)