Tringa Totanus Bird
Tringa Totanus Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Scolopax Totanus Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.145
Taxonomy: Charadriiformes / Scolopacidae / Tringa
Taxonomy Code: comred1
Type Locality: Europe, restricted type locality, Sweden.
Author: Linnaeus
Publish Year: 1758
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Scolopacidae; Ϯ Green Sandpiper T. ochropus) Late Med. L. tringa name given to the Green Sandpiper by Aldrovandus 1599 < Gr. τρυγγας trungas thrush-sized, white-rumped wading bird that bobs its tail, mentioned by Aristotle, not further identified, but taken by later authors to be a sandpiper, wagtail, or dipper; "78. TRINGA. Rostrum teretiusculum, longitudine capitis. Pedes tetradactyli: postico uniarticulato a terra elevato." (Linnaeus 1758); "Tringa Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 148. Type, by tautonymy, Tringa ocrophus Linné (Tringa, prebinomial specific name in synonymy)." (Peters 1934, II, 264). Linnaeus's Tringa comprised thirteen species (T. Pugnax, T. Vanellus, T. Gambetta, T. Interpres, T. tobata, T. Fulicaria, T. alpina, T. Ocrophus, T. Hypoleucos, T. Canutus, T. Glareola, T. littorea, T. Squatarola).
Var. Trunga, Trynga, Tryngas, Tringra, Trinca, Frinca, Fringa.
Synon. Aegialodes, Carites, Catoptrophorus, Erythroscelus, Gambetta, Glottis, Helodromas, Heteractitis, Heteroscelus, Hodites, Iliornis, Limicula, Nea, Neoglottis, Ochropus, Pseudoglottis, Pseudototanus, Rhyacophilus, Totanus.
● (syn. Calidris Ϯ Red Knot C. canutus) “Type by subsequent designation of Gray (List Gen. Bds. 1st ed. 1840, p. 69): T. canutus Linn. If the method of Linnean tautonymy be followed, the type of the genus must be ... Tringa ochropus Linn.” (BOU 1915).
● (syn. Vanellus Ϯ Northern Lapwing V. vanellus) "GENUS 115. TRINGA Lin. Cuv. Lath. Dumer. Vanellus Briss. Bechst. Meyer. Parra LaCépède. (Kibitz Germ. Vanneau Gall. Lapwing Angl.) ... Species: Tringa Vanellus, varia Lin. Parra Cayennensis Lin Gmel. Observat: Tota avis, praesertim secundum rostrum, ita similis est Charadriis, ut, demto halluce, discrimen vix restet. Caeterum observo, Tringae characteres a Linnaeo enumeratos, cum solis Vanellis Auctorum quadrare, nec cum Actitibus, quas cum illis confuderat. Nomen Tringae hanc ob caussam Vanellis servandum erat" (Illiger 1811).
Italian name Tótano for the Common Redshank (cf. Hindi name Tantanna for the Greenshank); "77. SCOLOPAX. ... Totanus. 4. S. rostro recto basi rubro, pedibus coccineis, remigibus secundariis albis. Fn. svec. 149. Totanus. Gesn. av. 518. Aldr. orn. l. 20. c. 24. Will. orn. 220. t. 54. f. 4. Raj. av. 107. Alb. av. 3. p. 82. t. 87. Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Tringa).
● (syn. Limosa limosa).
● (syn. Tringa nebularia).
(syn. Tringa Ϯ Common Redshank T. totanus) Specific name Scolopax totanus Linnaeus, 1758; "Vanneaux. . . .Tringa. Chevaliers. . . .Totanus. Maubêches. . . .Calidris" (Cuvier 1800); "XLIV. Gattung. Wasserläufer. Totanus. ... 1. Gefleckter Wasserläufer (Totanus maculatus, mihi) ... Scolopax Totanus. Linné, l. c. p. 665. N. 12. ... 2. Rothfüßiger Wasserläufer (S. Calidris, mihi) ... Scolopax Calidris. Linné, l. c. p. 664. N. 11. ... 3. Dunkelbrauner Wasserläufer (T. fuscus, mihi) ... Scolopax fusca, Linné, l. c. p. 657. N. 5." (Bechstein 1803); "Totanus BECHSTEIN, Orn. Taschenb. Deutschl., II, 1803, 282. Type, by tautonymy, Totanus maculatus BECHSTEIN = Scolopax totanus LINNÆUS." (AOU Check-List, ed. 3, 1910, 120). Var. Tanotes, Toranus.
Common Redshank (robusta)
Latin Name: Tringa totanus robusta
L. robustus powerful, strong, robust < robur, roboris hardwood.
Common Redshank (totanus)
Latin Name: Tringa totanus totanus
Italian name Tótano for the Common Redshank (cf. Hindi name Tantanna for the Greenshank); "77. SCOLOPAX. ... Totanus. 4. S. rostro recto basi rubro, pedibus coccineis, remigibus secundariis albis. Fn. svec. 149. Totanus. Gesn. av. 518. Aldr. orn. l. 20. c. 24. Will. orn. 220. t. 54. f. 4. Raj. av. 107. Alb. av. 3. p. 82. t. 87. Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Tringa).
● (syn. Limosa limosa).
● (syn. Tringa nebularia).
Common Redshank (ussuriensis)
Latin Name: Tringa totanus ussuriensis
ussuriana / ussurianus / ussuriensis
Ussuriland or Ussuria, eastern Siberia.
Common Redshank (terrignotae)
Latin Name: Tringa totanus terrignotae
L. terra land; ignotus unknown < in- not; gnotus old form of notus known < gnoscere old form of noscere to know.
Common Redshank (craggi)
Latin Name: Tringa totanus craggi
Prof. James Birkett Cragg (1910-1996) British ecologist (subsp. Tringa totanus).
Common Redshank (eurhina)
Latin Name: Tringa totanus eurhina
Gr. ευ eu fine, good; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos nose.
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)