Corvus Tasmanicus Bird

Corvus Tasmanicus Bird

Corvus Tasmanicus Bird

English Name:  Forest Raven
Latin Name:  Corvus tasmanicus
Protonym:  Corvus marianae tasmanicus Novit.Zool. 18 p.443
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Corvidae / Corvus
Taxonomy Code:  forrav1
Type Locality:  Tasmania.
Author:  Mathews
Publish Year:  1912
IUCN Status:  Least Concern


(Corvidae; Ϯ Common Raven C. corax) L. corvus  raven. In fable the Raven was originally white but, despite its supposed gift of prophecy, was turned into a black bird for its treachery. The Common or Northern Raven is the largest species of passerine bird; "48. CORVUS.  Rostrum convexum, cultratum, basi pennis setaceis tectum.  Lingua cartilaginea bifida." (Linnaeus 1758); "Corvus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 105. Type, by tautonymy, "Corvus", i.e. Corvus corax Linnaeus." (Blake & Vaurie in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 261).  This is the ninth diagnosed genus in avian taxonomy.  Linnaeus's Corvus comprised twelve species (C. Corax, C. Corone, C. frugilegus, C. Cornix, C. Monedula, C. benghalensis, C. glandarius, C. cristatus, C. Caryocatactes, C. Pica, C. paradisi, C. infaustus).     
Var. CervusCoruus.   
Synon. Amblycorax, Anomalocorax, Archicorax, Coloeus, Corax, Corone, Corvultur, Frugilegus, Gymnocorax, Gymnocorvus, Heterocorax, Macrocorax, Microcorax, Monedula, Nesocorax, Palaeocorax, Physocorax, Pterocorax, Rhinocorax, Sitocorax, Trypanocorax.

L. corvus raven.
● From a local name Caa Maa crow gull, for the Black-legged Kittiwake in the Shetlands (syn. Rissa tridactyla).

tasmani / tasmanica / tasmanicum / tasmanicus
Tasmania, Australia (named after Abel Janszoon Tasman (1603-1659) Dutch explorer who sighted and briefly visited the island in 1642, and first named it Van Diemen's Land after his patron Gov.-Gen. Antoon van Diemen).
● Tasman Sea (subsp. Sula dactylatra).


Forest Raven (boreus)
Latin Name: Corvus tasmanicus boreus
L. boreus  northern, of the north wind  < boreas  north  < Gr. βορεας boreas  north.

Forest Raven (tasmanicus)
Latin Name: Corvus tasmanicus tasmanicus
tasmani / tasmanica / tasmanicum / tasmanicus
Tasmania, Australia (named after Abel Janszoon Tasman (1603-1659) Dutch explorer who sighted and briefly visited the island in 1642, and first named it Van Diemen's Land after his patron Gov.-Gen. Antoon van Diemen).
● Tasman Sea (subsp. Sula dactylatra).