Pinarochroa Sordida Bird

Pinarochroa Sordida Bird

Pinarochroa Sordida Bird

English Name:  Moorland Chat
Latin Name:  Pinarochroa sordida
Protonym:  Saxicola sordida NeueWirbelth.Vog. p.75 pl.26 fig.2
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Muscicapidae / Pinarochroa
Taxonomy Code:  moocha1
Type Locality:  Simen, Abyssinia.
Author:  Rüppell
Publish Year:  1837
IUCN Status:  Least Concern


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Moorland Chat P. sordida) Gr. πιναρος pinaros  dirty  < πινος pinos  dirt; χροα khroa, χροας khroas  appearance, colour  < χρως khrōs,  χρωτος khrōtos  complexion; "Pinarochroa n. g. (Sax. sordida Rüpp.), ala brevi: apice alæ pennas cubitales vix excedente; penna 1ma tectricibus multo longiore — Cauda breviore, alba, pennis 2 mediis totis, reliquis apice fuscis. Digiti longi; — πιναρος, sordidus." (Sundevall 1872).

L. sordidus  shabby, dirty  < sordere  to be dirty  < sordes, sordis  dirt.
● ex “Merle des Philippines” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 89 (Pitta).


Moorland Chat (Abyssinian)
Latin Name: Pinarochroa sordida sordida
L. sordidus  shabby, dirty  < sordere  to be dirty  < sordes, sordis  dirt.
● ex “Merle des Philippines” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 89 (Pitta).

Moorland Chat (Mt. Kenya)
Latin Name: Pinarochroa sordida ernesti
● Ernest Hose (?1872-?1968) English rubber planter in Borneo, collector (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (subsp. Falco peregrinus).
● Ernst Johann Otto Hartert (1859-1933) German ornithologist, Curator of Rothschild Mus., Tring (subsp. Lonchura grandis, subsp. Oenanthe leucopyga, syn. Symposiachrus axillaris, subsp. Tyto alba).
● Dr Ernst Walter Mayr (1904-2005) German evolutionary biologist, ornithologist, systematist (subsp. Pachycephalopsis hattamensis).
● Ernest Henry Saunders (1865-?1943) English naturalist, collector in Australia 1887-1889 and Kenya 1899 (P. Scofield in litt.) (subsp. Pinarochroa sordida).
● See: ernestisecundi (syn. Coccopygia quartinia).

Moorland Chat (Ngorongoro)
Latin Name: Pinarochroa sordida olimotiensis
Olimoti or Olmoti Crater, northern Tanzania.

Moorland Chat (Mt. Kilimanjaro)
Latin Name: Pinarochroa sordida hypospodia
hypospodia / hypospodium / hypospodius
Gr. ὑπο hupo  beneath; σποδιος spodios  ash-coloured  < σποδος spodos  ashes.