Cincloramphus Rubiginosus Bird

Cincloramphus Rubiginosus Bird

Cincloramphus Rubiginosus Bird

English Name:  Rusty Thicketbird
Latin Name:  Cincloramphus rubiginosus
Protonym:  Ortygocichla rubiginosa Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt2 p.452 pl.39
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Locustellidae / Cincloramphus
Taxonomy Code:  rusthi1
Type Locality:  New Britain.
Author:  Sclater, PL
Publish Year:  1881
IUCN Status:  Least Concern


(Locustellidae; Ϯ Brown Songlark C. cruralis) Mod. L. cinclus  thrush  < Gr. κιγκλος kinklos  unknown waterside bird; ῥαμφος rhamphos  bill; "Genus CINCLORAMPHUS.   Bill rather shorter than the head; culmen slightly arched; the tip distinctly notched; the commissure slightly angulated at the base, and somewhat incurved for the remainder of its length; nostrils, lateral, oval; wings moderate, rigid, first quill very long and nearly equal to the second and third, which are the longest; tertials nearly as long as the primaries; tail rather small and cuneiform; tarsi very strong and scutellated anteriorly; toes long and powerful, particularly the hinder one and claw, which is articulated on the same plane with the inner toe; lateral toes nearly equal.  Type. Megalurus cruralis, Vig. and Horsf." (Gould 1838); "Cincloramphus Gould, 1838, Synop. Birds Australia, pt. 4, app., p. 4.  Type, by original designation, Megalurus cruralis Vigors and Horsfield." (Mayr in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 44).
Var. Cynclorhamphus, Cynchlorhamphus, Cinctorhamphus.
Synon. Dulciornis, Maclennania, Ptenoedus.

rubiginosa / rubiginosus
L. rubiginosus  rusty, ferruginous  < rubigo, rubiginis  rust  < rubeus  reddish.
● ex “Ardea naevia” of Miller 1776, and “Rusty-crowned Heron” of Pennant 1785, and Latham 1785 (syn. Nycticorax nycticorax).