Nothoprocta Pentlandii Bird

Nothoprocta Pentlandii Bird

Nothoprocta Pentlandii Bird

English Name:  Andean Tinamou
Latin Name:  Nothoprocta pentlandii
Protonym:  Rhynchotus Pentlandii ListBirdsBrit.Mus. pt5 p.103
Taxonomy:  Tinamiformes / Tinamidae / Nothoprocta
Taxonomy Code:  andtin1
Type Locality:  Andes of Bolivia.
Author:  Gray, GR
Publish Year:  1867
IUCN Status:  Least Concern


(Tinamidae; Ϯ Chilean Tinamou N. perdicaria) Gr. νοθος nothos  spurious; πρωκτος prōktos  tail, rear; "Genus V.— NOTHOPROCTA, GEN. NOV.  VIII.   1 perdicaria (Kittl.) ex Chilia.   *2 ornata (Gray) ex Bolivia.   *3 pentlandi (Gray) ex Bolivia.   4 curvirostris, sp. nov. xxxi. ex Æquatoria.  ...  VIII.— NOTHOPROCTA, gen. nov. p. 153  (νοθος, spurius et πρωκτος, pars posterior corporis).  Genus inter Rhynchotum et Nothuram medium, quoad scuta tarsi illi magis affine, sed digito postico brevi distinguendum.  Typus, N. PERDICARIA, i.e. Crypturus perdicarius Kittlitz, ex Chilia." (P. Sclater & Salvin 1873).

pentlandi / pentlandii
Joseph Barclay Pentland (1798-1873) Irish traveller, diplomat in Bolivia 1836-1839, explorer (Nothoprocta, syn. Sicalis uropigyalisTinamotis).


Andean Tinamou (ambigua)
Latin Name: Nothoprocta pentlandii ambigua
ambigua / ambiguum / ambiguus
L. ambiguus  doubtful, uncertain  < ambigere  to doubt  < preposition  ambi-  around; agere  to set in motion.
● ex “Grand Ara militaire” of Levaillant 1801, who was uncertain as to whether the Great Green Macaw was distinct from the Military Macaw A. militaris or just a constant variety (Ara).
● Despite an apparent series of transitional specimens between the Black-headed Greenfinch and the Oriental Greenfinch C. sinica, Oustalet 1896, still believed them to be two distinct spp. (Chloris).
● “Similar to S. r. rufifrons  ...  Distribution, — Probably Sikhim, Butan Duars, Assam, Naga Hills and Manipur” (Harington 1915) (subsp. Cyanoderma rufifrons).
● “While it is practically certain that this new bird is a conspecies of M. sclateri, the wide gap in the distribution of the two forms with no close relative known from the intervening area makes me hesitate to unite them at present” ( J. Zimmer 1932) (Myrmotherula).
● “Doubtful Toucan ... The species now selected is one I have never seen; but I have no doubt of its existence, and little of the accuracy of its delineation” (Swainson 1823) (Ramphastos).
● “This Bird is very nearly related to Trog. elegans ... These distinctions, although apparently trivial, having been observed ... in many specimens ... he is induced to regard the two Birds as being, very probably, specifically distinct” (Gould 1835) (Trogon).

Andean Tinamou (oustaleti)
Latin Name: Nothoprocta pentlandii oustaleti
Jean Frédéric Émile Oustalet (1844-1905) French zoologist (hybrid Anas platyrhynchos x Anas superciliosa, syn. Chloris ambigua (ex Chrysomitris ambigua Oustalet, 1896), Cinclodes, Cinnyris, subsp. Megapodius freycinet, Nothoprocta, Phylloscartes, syn. Scotopelia peli, syn. Temnurus temnurus, subsp. Trochalopteron affine, syn. Tyto longimembris).

Andean Tinamou (niethammeri)
Latin Name: Nothoprocta pentlandii niethammeri
Prof. Dr Günther T. Niethammer (1908-1974) German ornithologist, mammalogist (subsp. Alaudala cheleensis, syn. Carpodacus rubicilla severtzovi, subsp. Nothoprocta pentlandii, subsp. Parus major, syn. Pogoniulus pusillus).

Andean Tinamou (fulvescens)
Latin Name: Nothoprocta pentlandii fulvescens
Med. L. fulvescens, fulvescentis  glowing yellow  < fulvescere  to glow yellow  < L. fulvus  tawny.
● See: furvescens

Andean Tinamou (pentlandii)
Latin Name: Nothoprocta pentlandii pentlandii
pentlandi / pentlandii
Joseph Barclay Pentland (1798-1873) Irish traveller, diplomat in Bolivia 1836-1839, explorer (Nothoprocta, syn. Sicalis uropigyalisTinamotis).

Andean Tinamou (doeringi)
Latin Name: Nothoprocta pentlandii doeringi
Prof. Dr Adolf Döring (1848-1925) German zoologist, geologist, resident in Argentina 1872-1925 (subsp. Nothoprocta pentlandii).

Andean Tinamou (mendozae)
Latin Name: Nothoprocta pentlandii mendozae
● Mendoza Is., Marquesas Is. (named after García Hurtado de Mendoza Marqués de Cañete (1535-1609) Spanish Gov. of Chile 1557-1561, Viceroy of Peru 1590-1596); ex “Muscicapa atra” of J. Forster 1844 (‡Pomarea).
● Mendoza Province, Argentina (subsp. Nothoprocta pentlandii, Sicalis).