Gelochelidon Nilotica Bird
Gelochelidon Nilotica Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Sterna nilotica Syst.Nat. 1 pt2 p.606
Taxonomy: Charadriiformes / Laridae / Gelochelidon
Taxonomy Code: gubter1
Type Locality: Egypt.
Author: Gmelin, JF
Publish Year: 1789
IUCN Status:
(Laridae; † Common Gull-billed Tern G. nilotica) Gr. γελαω gelaō to laugh; χελιδων khelidōn, χελιδονος khelidonos swallow (i.e. sea-swallow or tern); "Siebente Sippe. Lachseeschwalbe. Gelochelidon, Br. 1. Die baltische Lachseeschwalbe. G. Balthica, Br. 2. Die Ackerlachschwalbe. G. agraria, Br. (3. Die südliche Lachseeschwalbe. G. meridionalis, Br.)" (Brehm 1830); "Lachseeschwalbe. Gelochelidon, Brehm. ... Sie haben ihren Namen von einem wie hä, hä, hä, dem Lachen eines Menschen ähnlichen Geschrei." (Brehm 1831); "Gelochelidon C. L. Brehm, Isis von Oken, 23, 1830, col. 994. Type, by monotypy, Gelochelidon meridionalis C. L. Brehm = Sterna nilotica Gmelin." (Peters, 1934, II, 329); "Gelochelidon C. L. Brehm, Isis, 23, col. 994, 1830—type, by monotypy, "Gelochelidon meridionalis" Brehm = Sterna meridionalis C. L. Brehm = Sterna anglica Montague. ... Sterna nilotica Gmelin (Syst. Nat., 1, (2), p. 606, 1789; ex Hasselquist, Reise, p. 273, Egypt) is doubtful, being described as having flesh-colored feet besides other discrepancies, whereas S. anglica Montague (type, from Sussex, in the British Museum) is of unquestionable pertinence." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 297).
Var. Gelichelidon, Geolhelidon, Geochelidon.
Synon. Laropis.
nilotica / niloticus
L. Niloticus of the River Nile < Nilus River Nile, Egypt.
● Egypt; ex Hasselqvist 1757, and “Egyptian Tern” of Latham 1785 (Gelochelidon).
Gull-billed Tern (Gull-billed)
Latin Name: Gelochelidon nilotica [nilotica Group]
(Laridae; † Common Gull-billed Tern G. nilotica) Gr. γελαω gelaō to laugh; χελιδων khelidōn, χελιδονος khelidonos swallow (i.e. sea-swallow or tern); "Siebente Sippe. Lachseeschwalbe. Gelochelidon, Br. 1. Die baltische Lachseeschwalbe. G. Balthica, Br. 2. Die Ackerlachschwalbe. G. agraria, Br. (3. Die südliche Lachseeschwalbe. G. meridionalis, Br.)" (Brehm 1830); "Lachseeschwalbe. Gelochelidon, Brehm. ... Sie haben ihren Namen von einem wie hä, hä, hä, dem Lachen eines Menschen ähnlichen Geschrei." (Brehm 1831); "Gelochelidon C. L. Brehm, Isis von Oken, 23, 1830, col. 994. Type, by monotypy, Gelochelidon meridionalis C. L. Brehm = Sterna nilotica Gmelin." (Peters, 1934, II, 329); "Gelochelidon C. L. Brehm, Isis, 23, col. 994, 1830—type, by monotypy, "Gelochelidon meridionalis" Brehm = Sterna meridionalis C. L. Brehm = Sterna anglica Montague. ... Sterna nilotica Gmelin (Syst. Nat., 1, (2), p. 606, 1789; ex Hasselquist, Reise, p. 273, Egypt) is doubtful, being described as having flesh-colored feet besides other discrepancies, whereas S. anglica Montague (type, from Sussex, in the British Museum) is of unquestionable pertinence." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 297).
Var. Gelichelidon, Geolhelidon, Geochelidon.
Synon. Laropis.
Gull-billed Tern (Australian)
Latin Name: Gelochelidon nilotica macrotarsa
Gr. μακρος makros long, great; Mod. L. tarsus shank, leg < Gr. ταρσος tarsos flat of the foot.
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)