Paramythia Montium Bird
Paramythia Montium Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Paramythia montium AnnualRep.Brit.NewGuinea(1890-1891) p.95
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Paramythiidae / Paramythia
Taxonomy Code: creber1
Type Locality: Mt. Suckling, southeastern New Guinea.
Author: De Vis
Publish Year: 1892
IUCN Status:
(Paramythiidae; Ϯ Eastern Crested Berrypecker P. montium) Gr. παραμυθια paramuthia encouragement, consolation; "STURNIDÆ. PARAMYTHIA, n.g. Bill shorter than the head, notched at the tip, compressed, acuminate, fore part of upper mandible curving gently to the tip; culmen obtuse; tomium somewhat inflected. Nostril exposed, elongate-ovate, placed in the basal half of the nasal groove, with a superior membrane. A few small soft rictal hairs. Wing subacuminate, subelongate; the first primary in place as long as the eighth; the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth forming the tip of the wing and nearly equal, the fourth the longest. Tail longer than wing, cuneate. Tarsus moderate, with scutellation entire. A small bare spot behind the eye. Head crested. PARAMYTHIA MONTIUM, n.s. ... Female, July 28, 1891, at 6,900 feet, Disappointment Rock." (DeVis 1892); "Paramythia De Vis, 1892, Ann. Rept. Brit. New Guinea, 1890-91, p. 95. Type, by monotypy, Paramythia montium De Vis." (Salomonsen in Peters 1967, XII, 200).
L. montium of mountains < mons, montis mountain.
Crested Berrypecker (Eastern)
Latin Name: Paramythia montium montium/brevicauda
(Paramythiidae; Ϯ Eastern Crested Berrypecker P. montium) Gr. παραμυθια paramuthia encouragement, consolation; "STURNIDÆ. PARAMYTHIA, n.g. Bill shorter than the head, notched at the tip, compressed, acuminate, fore part of upper mandible curving gently to the tip; culmen obtuse; tomium somewhat inflected. Nostril exposed, elongate-ovate, placed in the basal half of the nasal groove, with a superior membrane. A few small soft rictal hairs. Wing subacuminate, subelongate; the first primary in place as long as the eighth; the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth forming the tip of the wing and nearly equal, the fourth the longest. Tail longer than wing, cuneate. Tarsus moderate, with scutellation entire. A small bare spot behind the eye. Head crested. PARAMYTHIA MONTIUM, n.s. ... Female, July 28, 1891, at 6,900 feet, Disappointment Rock." (DeVis 1892); "Paramythia De Vis, 1892, Ann. Rept. Brit. New Guinea, 1890-91, p. 95. Type, by monotypy, Paramythia montium De Vis." (Salomonsen in Peters 1967, XII, 200).
Crested Berrypecker (Western)
Latin Name: Paramythia montium olivacea/alpina
(Paramythiidae; Ϯ Eastern Crested Berrypecker P. montium) Gr. παραμυθια paramuthia encouragement, consolation; "STURNIDÆ. PARAMYTHIA, n.g. Bill shorter than the head, notched at the tip, compressed, acuminate, fore part of upper mandible curving gently to the tip; culmen obtuse; tomium somewhat inflected. Nostril exposed, elongate-ovate, placed in the basal half of the nasal groove, with a superior membrane. A few small soft rictal hairs. Wing subacuminate, subelongate; the first primary in place as long as the eighth; the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth forming the tip of the wing and nearly equal, the fourth the longest. Tail longer than wing, cuneate. Tarsus moderate, with scutellation entire. A small bare spot behind the eye. Head crested. PARAMYTHIA MONTIUM, n.s. ... Female, July 28, 1891, at 6,900 feet, Disappointment Rock." (DeVis 1892); "Paramythia De Vis, 1892, Ann. Rept. Brit. New Guinea, 1890-91, p. 95. Type, by monotypy, Paramythia montium De Vis." (Salomonsen in Peters 1967, XII, 200).
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)