Xenerpestes Minlosi Bird
Xenerpestes Minlosi Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Xenerpestes minlosi Ibis p.54 pl.4
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Furnariidae / Xenerpestes
Taxonomy Code: dobgra1
Type Locality: near Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Author: von Berlepsch
Publish Year: 1886
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Furnariidae; Ϯ Double-banded Greytail X. minlosi) Gr. ξενος xenos stranger; ἑρπηστης herpēstēs creeper, creeping thing < ἑρπω herpō to crawl; "In appearance Xenerpestes minlosi is quite unlike any other species. At first sight its colouring reminds one somewhat of the curious Odontorhynchus branickii, being cinereous above, white below, and showing white striations on the nape &c. In form, however, it is altogether different; moreover it has an unbarred tail, white wing-bands &c., and the similarity appears very superficial when the two species are compared more closely together. The correct position of the new bird is, no doubt, among the Dendrocolaptidæ; and I am inclined to adopt the view of my friend Mr. Sclater, who believes that it ought to be placed in the neighbourhood of Synallaxis. Nevertheless its comparatively much longer wings, which are more pointed (not rounded), its tail, the feathers of which are soft, with their tips rounded (not pointed, nor are the rectrices anywhere dilated, as are certain Dendrocolaptidæ with soft tails), the curved bill, the very short legs, with their strong much-curved claws, and the quite singular coloration make it very different from that genus, and its correct position among the Dendrocolaptidæ must remain a matter of controversy. The bird may be characterized as follows:— XENERPESTES (ξενος = alienus, ἑρπηστης, nomen propr.), genus novum Dendrocolaptidarum. ... XENERPESTES MINLOSI, sp. nov. (Pl. IV.)" (von Berlepsch 1886); "Xenerpestes Berlepsch, Ibis, 1886, p. 54. Type, by monotypy, Xenerpestes minlosi Berlepsch." (Peters 1951, VII, 115).
Emilio José Minlos (1856-1901) Venezuelan/German merchant, collector, resident of Bucaramanga, Colombia (subsp. Thryophilus rufalbus, Xenerpestes).
Double-banded Graytail (minlosi)
Latin Name: Xenerpestes minlosi minlosi
Emilio José Minlos (1856-1901) Venezuelan/German merchant, collector, resident of Bucaramanga, Colombia (subsp. Thryophilus rufalbus, Xenerpestes).
Double-banded Graytail (umbraticus)
Latin Name: Xenerpestes minlosi umbraticus
L. umbraticus fond of the shade < umbra shade.
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)