Baryphthengus Martii Bird
Baryphthengus Martii Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Prionites martii Av.Sp.Nov.Brasil. 1 p.64 pl.60
Taxonomy: Coraciiformes / Momotidae / Baryphthengus
Taxonomy Code: rufmot1
Type Locality: Near Par&, Brazil.
Author: von Spix
Publish Year: 1824
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Momotidae; Ϯ Rufous-capped Motmot B. ruficapillus) Gr. βαρυφθογγος baruphthongos and βαρυφθεγκτης baruphthenktēs deep-toned < βαρυς barus grave, heavy; φθεγγομαι phthengomai to speak; "Gen. BARYPHTHENGUS *) Nob. — Taquara. Baryphonus Bp. 1854 (nec Vieill. 1816). 350. 1. B. ruficapillus Nob. Tutu Azar. Apunt. no. 52. — ?Motmot dombé Levaill. Ois. Par., Roll. &c. I. p. 113. t. 39. — Scl. Rev. Momot. p. 11. I. — Motmot oranroux Levaill. Hist. Nat. Promer. & Guêp. III. Suppl. p. 41. t. B. — ?Baryphonus ruficapillus Vieill. N. D. XXI. p. 315. — Id. Enc. p. 898. 2. — Id. Gal. Ois. II. p. 319. t. 190. — Bp. Consp. Vol. Anis. p. 8. gen. 94. 226. — Baryphonus cyanogaster Vieill. N. D. XXI. p. 317. — Id. Enc. p. 898. 3. — Prionites ruficapillus "Ill." Licht. Doubl. p. 21. 206. — Wied Beitr. III. p. 1257. — Tsch.Consp. p. 38. 214. — Id. Faun. Per. p. 251. — Hartl. Ind. Azar. p. 4. — ?Bp. Consp. I. p. 165. gen. 315. 4. — Prionites tutu Ranz. Elem. Zool. III. 3. p. 157. — ?Less.Trait. p. 251. 2. — ?Prionites dombeyanus Ranz. Elem. Zool. III. 3. p. 158. — Prionites rubricapillus Steph. Gen. Z. XIV. p. 84. — ?Momotus Dombeyi Less. Man. Orn. II. p. 103. — Momotus Levaillantii Id. Descr. Mammif. & Ois. p. 265 — Gray Gen. B. I. p. 68. 5. — Id. List Spec. B. Brit. Mus. II. 1. p. 39. 4. — ?Prionites Dombeyi Sws. Class. B. II. p. 338. — ?Momotus ruficapillus Gray Gen. B. I. p. 68. 4. — Momotus tutu Less. Descr. Mammif. & Ois. p. 265. — Prionites Levaillantii Bp. Consp. I. p. 165. gen. 315. 5. — Momotus cyanogaster Scl. Rev. Momot. p. 8. 12. ... 351. 2. B. melancholicus nov. sp. ... ?Buenos Ayres ... *) Von βαρυφθεγγος = βαρυφωνος (mit tiefer Stimme)." (Cabanis & Heine 1859); "Baryphthengus Cabanis and Heine, 1859, Museum Heineanum, II, p. 114. New name for Baryphonus Bonaparte, 1854, preoccupied by Baryphonus Vieillot, 1816." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Barypthengus.
Synon. Urospatha.
Carl Friedrich Phillip von Martius (1794-1868) German botanist, collector in Brazil 1817-1820 (Baryphthengus).
Rufous Motmot (semirufus)
Latin Name: Baryphthengus martii semirufus
semirufa / semirufus
L. semi- half- < semis, semissis half < as, assis whole; rufus rufous.
Rufous Motmot (martii)
Latin Name: Baryphthengus martii martii
Carl Friedrich Phillip von Martius (1794-1868) German botanist, collector in Brazil 1817-1820 (Baryphthengus).
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)