Spinus Magellanicus Bird

Spinus Magellanicus Bird

Spinus Magellanicus Bird

English Name:  Hooded Siskin
Latin Name:  Spinus magellanicus
Protonym:  Fringilla magellanica Ois.Chant. p.54 pl.30
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Fringillidae / Spinus
Taxonomy Code:  hoosis1
Type Locality:  southern America and vicinity of Straits of Magellan [=error] ; Buenos Aires, Argentina designated by Todd, 1926, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 17, p. 61.
Author:  Vieillot
Publish Year:  1805
IUCN Status:  Least Concern


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Eurasian Siskin S. spinus) Gr. σπινος spinos  unidentified bird mentioned by Aristophanes, Dionysius, Hesychius, and others, usually treated as a type of finch  < σπιζω spizō  to  chirp (cf. specific names Fringilla Spinus J. Gmelin, 1789, and Emberiza Spinus von Schrank, 1798); "SYS, in 't Latyn Spinus.  Hy is by LINNÆUS. Syst. Nat. [ed. 9, 1756] gesl. 80. oder de Vinken gebracht" (Moehring 1758); "LV. Gattung. Zeisig. Spinus.  ...  Die Zeisige sind sehr zierliche muntere Vögelchen.  ...  Ihre Nahrung besteht in kleinen Saamen. Sie nisten auf Bäume.  Vier Arten.  146. Distel-Zeisig. Spinus carduelis.  ...  147. Lein-Zeisig. Spinus Linaria.  ...  148. Citronen-Fink. Spinus Citrinella.  ...  149. Erlen-Zeisig. Spinus viridis.  ...  Fringilla Spinus. Gmel. Linn. S. I. p. 194. n. 25." (Koch 1816); "Spinus Koch, 1816, Syst. Baierischen Zool., Säug. Vögel, 1, p. 232. Type, by tautonymy, Fringilla spinus Linnaeus." (Howell & Paynter in Peters 1968, XIV, 234).
Synon. AcanthilisAcanthisAstragalinus, Chrysomitris, Loximitris, Melanomitris, Pseudomitris, Pyrrhomitris, Sporagra.
• (Emberizidae; syn. Emberiza † Corn Bunting E. calandra) "SPINUS Mœhr. (1752). Cynchramus, (Antiq.) Bonap. (1838).  Miliaria b, Brehm. (1831).  Emberiza, L.    S. miliarius, (L.) G. R. Gray.  Pl. enl. 233.  M. europæa, Swains.   ...   Employed in Botany." (G. Gray 1841); "Spinus "Moehr." G. Gray, 1841, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 61 (not of Koch, 1816).  Type, by original designation, S. miliarius (L.), i.e. Emberiza miliaria Linnaeus, 1766 = Emberiza calandra Linnaues, 1758." (JAJ 2021).     

Gr. σπινος spinos  unidentified bird mentioned by Aristophanes, Dionysius, Hesychius, and others, usually treated as a type of finch  < σπιζω spizō  to chirp.
● "98. FRINGILLA.  ...  Spinus.  19. F. remigibus medio luteis: primis quatuor immaculatis, rectricibus basi flavis apice nigris. Fn. svec. 203.  Acanthus avicula. Gesn. av. I.  Spinus s. Ligurinus. Aldr. orn. l. 18. c. 4. Will. orn. 192. t. 46. Raj. av. 91. n. 1. Alb. av. 3. p. 71. t. 76. Frisch. av. 2. t. 11. f. 1. 2. Olin. av. 15.  Habitat in Europæ juniperetis.” (Linnaeus 1758) (Spinus).

magellani / magellanica / magellanicus
Straits of Magellan (named after the Portuguese explorer Fernão de Magalhães (1480-1521), whose Spanish sponsored expedition 1519-1522 was the first circumnavigation of the Earth). In ornithology this toponym includes Tierra del Fuego and associated islands.
● ex “Jacurutu” of Marcgrave 1648, and “Hibou des Terres Magellaniques” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Bubo).
● ex “Oie des Terres Magellaniques” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 1006, and de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Magellanic Goose” of Latham 1785 (syn. Chloephaga picta).
● ex “Magellanic Shag” of Latham 1785 (Phalacrocorax).
● ex “Magellanic Warbler” (= ☼) of Latham 1783 (Scytalopus).
● Erroneous TL. Southern America and vicinity of Straits of Magellan (= Buenos Aires, Argentina); ex “Gafarron” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 134 (Spinus).


Hooded Siskin (capitalis)
Latin Name: Spinus magellanicus capitalis
capitale / capitalis
L. capitalis  relating to the head, capital, chief  < caput, capitis  head, chief.
● "Forehead, and crown to line between middle of orbits, pale creamy drab, shading abruptly into the purplish iridescence which overlies remainder of crown and back of neck." (Nelson 1898) (subsp. Leptotila verreauxi).
● ex “Capital Tanager” of Latham 1787 (Ploceus).

Hooded Siskin (longirostris)
Latin Name: Spinus magellanicus longirostris
L. longus  long; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak. Var. Longirostra.
● ex “Long-billed Thrush” of Latham 1783 (‡Acrocephalus).
● ex “Manchot de la Nouvelle Guinée” of Sonnerat 1776 (syn. Aptenodytes patagonicus).
● ex “Troupiale” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 532 (syn. Icterus icterus).
● ex “Grimpar Nasican” of Levaillant 1807 (Nasica).
● ex “Râle à long bec de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 849, and “Long-billed Rail” of Latham 1785 (Rallus).

Hooded Siskin (paulus)
Latin Name: Spinus magellanicus paulus
L. paulus  little, small.

Hooded Siskin (peruanus)
Latin Name: Spinus magellanicus peruanus
peruana / peruanum / peruanus / peruvia / peruviana / peruvianus / peruviensis
Peru. Said to be named after Biru, a local Inca encountered by the conquistadores (although the name is also accredited to a Panamanian cazique). Until the early 18th century the Viceroyalty of Peru included all Spanish possessions in South America.
● ex “Geai du Pérou” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 625, and de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Peruvian Jay” of Latham 1781 (syn. Cyanocorax yncas).
● ex “Coq de Roche du Pérou” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 745, and de Buffon 1770-1783 (Rupicola).
● Erroneous TL. Peru (= Brazil) (Tangara).
Erroneous TL. Peru (= Tahiti) (Vini).

Hooded Siskin (urubambensis)
Latin Name: Spinus magellanicus urubambensis
urubambae / urubambensis
Río Urubamba, Peru.

Hooded Siskin (bolivianus)
Latin Name: Spinus magellanicus bolivianus
boliviae / boliviana / bolivianum / bolivianus / boliviensis
Bolivia (named after Simón Bolívar (1783-1830) "The Liberator", Venezuelan revolutionary, who helped to expel the Spaniards from their South American empire).

Hooded Siskin (tucumanus)
Latin Name: Spinus magellanicus tucumanus
tucumana / tucumanum / tucumanus
Tucumán Province, Argentina.

Hooded Siskin (santaecrucis)
Latin Name: Spinus magellanicus santaecrucis
Santa Cruz, Bolivia  < L. sanctus  holy; crux, crucis  cross. 

Hooded Siskin (alleni)
Latin Name: Spinus magellanicus alleni
● Dr Joel Asaph Allen (1838-1921) US ornithologist, founding President of AOU 1883, Curator of AMNH 1885-1921 (syn. Ardenna pacifica, subsp. Buteo lineatus, subsp. Chrysuronia oenone, subsp. Coereba flaveola, subsp. Colaptes rubiginosus, subsp. Lagopus lagopus, syn. Phylloscartes ophthalmicus, subsp. Pipilo erythrophthalmus, syn. Rhynchotus rufescens, subsp. Spinus magellanicus, syn. Strix nebulosa, syn. Strix varia, subsp. Vireo crassirostris).
● Dr Elsa Guerdrum Allen (1888-?1976) US ornithologist, bibliographer (subsp. Arremon brunneinucha).
● Dr Glover Morrill Allen (1879-1942) US zoologist, Librarian of Boston Society of Natural History 1901-1927, Curator of Mammals at MCZ Harvard 1927-1938, traveller, collector (syn. Cisticola cinereolus schillingsi, subsp. Oriolus nigripennis, syn. Ploceus bojeri, syn. Turnix lepurana).
● Lt.-Commander Alfred Reginald Allen, Jr. (1905-1988) US Army, musician, Gen.-Manager Philadelphia Orchestra, Assistant Gen.-Manager Metropolitan Opera, New York, Curator of Gilbert & Sullivan Collection, Pierpoint Morgan Library, collector in South Africa (syn. Eupodotis rueppellii).
● Prof. Arthur Augustus Allen (1885-1964) US ornithologist, collector in Panama and Colombia 1911-1912, Professor of Ornithology Cornell Univ. 1912-1953 (Grallaria, syn. Oxyura jamaicensis).
● Rear-Adm. William Allen (1793-1864) Royal Navy, who took part in the Niger Expeditions 1832, 1841-1842 (Porphyrio).
● Charles Andrew Allen (1841-1930) US collector, taxidermist, woodsman (syn. Selasphorus sasin).

Hooded Siskin (ictericus)
Latin Name: Spinus magellanicus ictericus
icterica / ictericus
Gr. ικτερικος ikterikos  jaundiced, jaundice-yellow  < ικτερος ikteros  jaundice-yellow.

Hooded Siskin (magellanicus)
Latin Name: Spinus magellanicus magellanicus
magellani / magellanica / magellanicus
Straits of Magellan (named after the Portuguese explorer Fernão de Magalhães (1480-1521), whose Spanish sponsored expedition 1519-1522 was the first circumnavigation of the Earth). In ornithology this toponym includes Tierra del Fuego and associated islands.
● ex “Jacurutu” of Marcgrave 1648, and “Hibou des Terres Magellaniques” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Bubo).
● ex “Oie des Terres Magellaniques” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 1006, and de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Magellanic Goose” of Latham 1785 (syn. Chloephaga picta).
● ex “Magellanic Shag” of Latham 1785 (Phalacrocorax).
● ex “Magellanic Warbler” (= ☼) of Latham 1783 (Scytalopus).
● Erroneous TL. Southern America and vicinity of Straits of Magellan (= Buenos Aires, Argentina); ex “Gafarron” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 134 (Spinus).