Pucrasia Macrolopha Bird
Pucrasia Macrolopha Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Satyra macrolopha Dict.Sci.Nat. 59 p.196
Taxonomy: Galliformes / Phasianidae / Pucrasia
Taxonomy Code: kokphe1
Type Locality: Bengal, error = Almorah Hills, Kumaon.
Author: Lesson
Publish Year: 1829
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Phasianidae; Ϯ Koklas Pheasant P. macrolopha) Specific name Phasianus pucrasia J. Gray, 1832 (= syn. Pucrasia macrolopha); "PUCRASIA, G. R. Gray (1841). Eulophusa, Less. (1837). Phasianus, J. E. Gray. Tragopan, Temm. Satyra, Less. Ceriornis, Swains. P. macrolopha, (Less.) G. R. Gray. P. pucrasia, J. E. Gray. Ill. Ind. Zool. pl. T. Duvaucelii, Temm. aUsed in Entomology" (G. Gray 1841).
Var. Purcasia, Purcrasia, Purvasia.
Synon. Gallophasis, Lophotetrax.
pucrasia / pucrasse
Garhwali name Pukrās or Pokrás for the Koklass Pheasant (cf. "Koklás, Kokla, Simla to Almora" (Blanford 1898) (syn. Pucrasia macrolopha).
macrolopha / macrolophus
Gr. μακρος makros long; λοφος lophos crest.
Koklass Pheasant (castanea)
Latin Name: Pucrasia macrolopha castanea
L. castaneus chestnut-coloured, chestnut-brown < castanea chestnut < Gr. καστανον kastanon chestnut.
● ex Ardea ralloides Scopoli, 1769, and “Castaneous Heron” of Latham 1785 (syn. Ardeola ralloides).
● ex “Merle doré de Madagascar” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 539, fig. 2 (Philepitta).
● (Kuhl 1820) ex “Gobe-mouche huppé du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 234, fig. 1 (syn. Terpsiphone paradisi).
● (Temminck 1835) ex “Tchitrec bé varié” of Levaillant 1805, pl. 146 (syn. Terpsiphone paradisi).
● ex “Pigeon de la Martinique” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Zenaida aurita).
Koklass Pheasant (biddulphi)
Latin Name: Pucrasia macrolopha biddulphi
Col. John Biddulph (1840-1921) British Army, colonial administrator in India 1857-1896, ornithologist with Yarkand Mission 1873-1874 (syn. Dinopium shorii, Podoces, subsp. Pucrasia macrolopha, subsp. Strix aluco).
Koklass Pheasant (bethelae)
Latin Name: Pucrasia macrolopha bethelae
Dr Bethel F. Fleming née Harris (b. 1901) US physician, missionary, founder of Awon Kalimati Clinic, Nepal 1959, wife of Dr R. L. Fleming, Sr. (syn. Pucrasia macrolopha biddulphi, subsp. Trochalopteron affine).
Koklass Pheasant (macrolopha)
Latin Name: Pucrasia macrolopha macrolopha
macrolopha / macrolophus
Gr. μακρος makros long; λοφος lophos crest.
Koklass Pheasant (nipalensis)
Latin Name: Pucrasia macrolopha nipalensis
nipalense / nipalensis
Nepal or, formerly, Nipal or Nepaul. According to legend Nepal means "the place protected by the Hindu sage Ne."
Koklass Pheasant (meyeri)
Latin Name: Pucrasia macrolopha meyeri
meyeri / meyerianus / meyerii
● Dr Aron Baruch Meyer (known as Adolf Bernhard Meyer) (1840-1911) German physician, collector in the East Indies and New Guinea 1870-1873, Director of Royal Mus. Dresden 1874-1906, zoologist, anthropologist (Accipiter, Chalcites (ex Chrysococcyx splendidus Mayer, 1874), syn. Cinnyris jugularis plateni, Edolisoma, Epimachus, syn. Leptocoma sericea porphyrolaema (ex Hermotimia porphyrolaema scapulata Meyer & Wiglesworth, 1896), subsp. Myzomela nigrita, Pachycephala (ex Pachycephala affinis Meyer, 1884), Philemon (ex Tropidorhynchus inornatus Meyer, 1875), subsp. Pitohui kirhocephalus, subsp. Pucrasia macrolopha, syn. Rhipidura atra, subsp. Tanysiptera galatea, subsp. Timeliopsis fulvigula, syn. Todiramphus chloris, Trichoglossus, subsp. Xanthotis flaviventer (ex Ptilotis pyrrhotis Meyer, 1875)).
● Dr Bernhard Meyer (1767–1836) German botanist, ornithologist, collector (syn. Limosa lapponica, Poicephalus).
● Fr. P. Rudolf Otto Maria Meyer (1877-1937) German missionary to the Bismarck Archipelago 1902-1937 (syn. Acrocephalus stentoreus sumbae, subsp. Hypotaenidia philippensis, subsp. Ptilinopus solomonensis).
Koklass Pheasant (ruficollis)
Latin Name: Pucrasia macrolopha ruficollis
Mod. L. ruficollis red-necked, rufous-necked < L. rufus red, ruddy, rufous; Mod. L. -collis -necked, -throated < L. collum neck.
● ex “Black-bellied Gallinule” of Latham 1785 (syn. Aramides cajanea).
● ex “Rufous-throated Tanager” of Latham 1783 (syn. Euneornis campestris).
● ex “Pica flores pecho de cañela” and “Pica flores pecho de topacio” of de Azara 1802-1805, nos. 290, 291 (syn. Hylocharis chrysura).
● ex "Cola aguda cola de canela obscura" of de Azara, no. 240 (syn. Phacellodomus sibilatrix).
● ex “Red-necked Grebe” of Latham 1785 (syn. Podiceps grisegena).
● ex “Rufous-throated Tanager” of Latham 1785 (subsp. Pyrrhulagra violacea).
● ex “Fringilla ruficollis” of Lichtenstein MS (syn. Sporophila ruficollis).
Koklass Pheasant (xanthospila)
Latin Name: Pucrasia macrolopha xanthospila
Gr. ξανθος xanthos yellow; σπιλος spilos stain, spot.
Koklass Pheasant (joretiana)
Latin Name: Pucrasia macrolopha joretiana
Père Hippolyte Joret (1842-1901) French missionary to China (subsp. Pucrasia macrolopha).
Koklass Pheasant (darwini)
Latin Name: Pucrasia macrolopha darwini
darwini / darwinii
● Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) British naturalist, explorer (naturalist to HMS Beagle 1831-1836), joint originator of the theory of evolution by natural selection (subsp. Geospiza magnirostris, Lanius collurio x Lanius isabellinus hybrid, syn. Napothera crispifrons, Nothura, subsp. Pucrasia macrolopha, Pipraeidea, syn. Rhea pennata, syn. Upucerthia dumetaria hypoleuca).
● Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia (subsp. Gerygone chloronota).
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)