Aviceda Jerdoni Bird

Jerdon\'s Baza / Aviceda jerdoni

Aviceda Jerdoni Bird

English Name:  Jerdon's Baza
Latin Name:  Aviceda jerdoni
Protonym:  Pernis Jerdoni J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 11 p.464
Taxonomy:  Accipitriformes / Accipitridae / Aviceda
Taxonomy Code:  jerbaz1
Type Locality:  No type locality = Malacca.
Author:  Blyth
Publish Year:  1842
IUCN Status:  Least Concern


(Accipitridae; Ϯ African Cuckoo Falcon A. cuculoides) L. avis  bird; -cida  killer  > caedere  to kill; "one we have received from Western Africa, and to which we have given the name Aviceda.  This subgenus, for as such we consider it, appears to follow that of Lophotes: both have the bills bidentate; both have remarkably long wings, and short tarsi; but the bill of Aviceda is much more powerful, while the feet are stout, and the claws strong and well curved. In the structure of its feet it differs from all the falcons we have yet examined. The tarsus is not longer than the hind toe and claw, and, from being feathered for more than half its length, it appears even shorter: the sole of the foot is remarkably broad, and is entirely destitute of those prominent callous pads which belong to Falco, Harpagus, and most of the hawks. Unlike all these genera, the inner toe is decidedly longer than the outer; so that the bird, in fact, may be said to have the feet and wings of Cyminidis, with the bill of Harpagus and Lophotes: it is a falcon in the disguise of a kite, — as such, at least, we view it; and by placing it next Lophotes, its station in the circle actually confirms this analogy." (Swainson 1836); "AVICEDA, Swain.  ...  A. cuculoïdes.  West. Afr. i. pl. 1." (Swainson 1837); "Aviceda Swainson, Classif. Bds., 1, 1836, p. 300 (diagnosis; no included species). Type, by subsequent designation, Aviceda cuculoides Swainson, op. cit., 2, 1837, p. 214." (Peters, 1931, 1, p. 195).
Var. AvecidaAvicida (“For Aviceda, Sw., write Avicida ... after the analogy of regicida, &c.” (Strickland 1841)).
Synon. Baza, Hyptiopus, Lepidogenys, Lophastur, Lophotes, Nesobaza.

Surgeon-Maj. Thomas Claverhill Jerdon (1811-1872) British Army in India 1836-1870, field ornithologist, collector (subsp. Anthus similis, Aviceda, subsp. Charadrius dubius, Chloropsis, subsp. Cyornis tickelliae, syn. Dryocopus javensis feddeni, subsp. Lonchura kelaarti (ex Amadina pectoralis Blyth ex Jerdon MS, 1844), syn. Machlolophus xanthogenys aplonotus, subsp. Minla ignotincta, syn. Otus bakkamoena, syn. Phaenicophaeus viridirostris (ex Xanclostomus viridirostris Jerdon, 1840), subsp. Phylloscopus xanthoschistos, syn. Prinia sylvatica, subsp. Prunella strophiata,  syn. Rimator malacoptilus, Saxicola, syn. Sterna acuticauda, subsp. Sylvia crassirostris, syn. Timalia pileata bengalensis, syn. Timalia pileata intermedia, syn. Treron phoenicopterus chlorigaster, Trochalopteron).


Jerdon's Baza (ceylonensis)
Latin Name: Aviceda jerdoni ceylonensis
ceylanensis / ceylanica / ceylonense / ceylonensis / ceylonicus / ceylonus
Ceylon (Portuguese name Ceilaõ given to the island by early explorers, from Pali Sinhalana land of lions) / Sri Lanka.
● ex “Drongri” of Levaillant 1805, pl. 170, and “Drongri Shrike” of Latham 1822 (syn. Dicrurus leucophaeus).
● ex “Ceylonese Crested Falcon” of Latham 1781 (subsp. Nisaetus cirrhatus).

Jerdon's Baza (jerdoni)
Latin Name: Aviceda jerdoni jerdoni
Surgeon-Maj. Thomas Claverhill Jerdon (1811-1872) British Army in India 1836-1870, field ornithologist, collector (subsp. Anthus similis, Aviceda, subsp. Charadrius dubius, Chloropsis, subsp. Cyornis tickelliae, syn. Dryocopus javensis feddeni, subsp. Lonchura kelaarti (ex Amadina pectoralis Blyth ex Jerdon MS, 1844), syn. Machlolophus xanthogenys aplonotus, subsp. Minla ignotincta, syn. Otus bakkamoena, syn. Phaenicophaeus viridirostris (ex Xanclostomus viridirostris Jerdon, 1840), subsp. Phylloscopus xanthoschistos, syn. Prinia sylvatica, subsp. Prunella strophiata,  syn. Rimator malacoptilus, Saxicola, syn. Sterna acuticauda, subsp. Sylvia crassirostris, syn. Timalia pileata bengalensis, syn. Timalia pileata intermedia, syn. Treron phoenicopterus chlorigaster, Trochalopteron).

Jerdon's Baza (borneensis)
Latin Name: Aviceda jerdoni borneensis
bornea / borneana / borneanum / borneanus / borneense / borneensis / bornensis / borneoensis / borneonense / borneonensis / borneus
Borneo  < Malay Brunei  the Barunai or Brunei Sultanate, wealthy, powerful and more extensive in the 15th century  < Sanskrit Váruna  water, rain.
● Erroneous TL. Borneo (= Amboina); "44. PSITTACUS.  ...  borneus.  6. P. macrourus ruber, remigibus rectricibusque apice viridibus, alis macula cærulea.  Psittacus coccineus, cauda longiore. Edw. av. 173. t. 173.  Habitat in India: Borneo." (Linnaeus 1758) (Eos). This name, albeit erroneous, is the fourth toponym in avian nomenclature.

Jerdon's Baza (magnirostris)
Latin Name: Aviceda jerdoni magnirostris
magnirostre / magnirostris
L. magnus  great; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak.
● ex “Alouette à Gros Bec” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 193 (Galerida).
● ex “Épervier à gros bec de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 464, and “Great-billed Falcon” of Latham 1781 (Rupornis).

Jerdon's Baza (celebensis)
Latin Name: Aviceda jerdoni celebensis
celebense / celebensis
Celebes, Dutch East Indies / Sulawesi, Indonesia.