Sittasomus Griseicapillus Bird
Sittasomus Griseicapillus Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Dendrocopus griseicapillus Nouv.Dict.Hist.Nat. 26 p.119
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Furnariidae / Sittasomus
Taxonomy Code: oliwoo1
Type Locality: Paraguay; based on ''trepadore palido y roxo'' of Azara; restricted to Concepcion del Paraguay by Hellmayr, 1925.
Author: Vieillot
Publish Year: 1818
IUCN Status:
(Furnariidae; Ϯ Eastern Olivaceous Woodcreeper S. griseicapillus sylviellus) Genus Sitta Linnaeus, 1758, nuthatch; Gr. σωμα sōma, σωματος sōmatos body; "SITTASOMUS. ... Bill small, slender, straight, slightly notched; culmen rather curved. Wings moderate. Tail lengthened, rigid. Type. Dend. sylviellus. Temm., Pl. col. 72. f. 1? By this form the genera Oxyurus and Xenops appear to be brought together. It possesses the rigid scansorial tail of Dendrocolaptes, and the more feeble bill of Xenops." (Swainson 1827).
Var. Sittosomus.
Synon. Acanthurus, Sylosella.
griseicapilla / griseicapillus
Med. L. griseum grey; L. -capillus -capped < capillus hair of the head.
● ex “Trepadore palido y roxo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 244 (Sittasomus).
Olivaceous Woodcreeper (Grayish)
Latin Name: Sittasomus griseicapillus [griseus Group]
(Furnariidae; Ϯ Eastern Olivaceous Woodcreeper S. griseicapillus sylviellus) Genus Sitta Linnaeus, 1758, nuthatch; Gr. σωμα sōma, σωματος sōmatos body; "SITTASOMUS. ... Bill small, slender, straight, slightly notched; culmen rather curved. Wings moderate. Tail lengthened, rigid. Type. Dend. sylviellus. Temm., Pl. col. 72. f. 1? By this form the genera Oxyurus and Xenops appear to be brought together. It possesses the rigid scansorial tail of Dendrocolaptes, and the more feeble bill of Xenops." (Swainson 1827).
Var. Sittosomus.
Synon. Acanthurus, Sylosella.
Olivaceous Woodcreeper (Pacific)
Latin Name: Sittasomus griseicapillus aequatorialis
aequatoriale / aequatorialis
Late L. aequatorialis equatorial < aequator equator < L. aequare to make equal < aequus equal. Frequently given to species with a distribution in the equatorial latitudes of Africa (e.g. subsp. Jynx ruficollis, Sheppardia), but more commonly applied to birds from Ecuador (Spanish ecuador equator) (e.g. Momotus, Thamnistes, Xiphorhynchus).
● Erroneous TL. Guayaquil (= Panama City) (subsp. Dendroica petechia).
● Erroneous TL. Guayaquil (= interior of Ecuador) (subsp. Falco sparverius).
● Erroneous TL. Ecuador (= Bahia, Brazil) (syn. Heliothryx aurita auriculata).
● Erroneous TL. Bogotá (= San Lucas, Ecuador) (subsp. Rallus limicola).
Olivaceous Woodcreeper (Amazonian)
Latin Name: Sittasomus griseicapillus [griseicapillus Group]
(Furnariidae; Ϯ Eastern Olivaceous Woodcreeper S. griseicapillus sylviellus) Genus Sitta Linnaeus, 1758, nuthatch; Gr. σωμα sōma, σωματος sōmatos body; "SITTASOMUS. ... Bill small, slender, straight, slightly notched; culmen rather curved. Wings moderate. Tail lengthened, rigid. Type. Dend. sylviellus. Temm., Pl. col. 72. f. 1? By this form the genera Oxyurus and Xenops appear to be brought together. It possesses the rigid scansorial tail of Dendrocolaptes, and the more feeble bill of Xenops." (Swainson 1827).
Var. Sittosomus.
Synon. Acanthurus, Sylosella.
Olivaceous Woodcreeper (Reiser's)
Latin Name: Sittasomus griseicapillus reiseri
Dr C. H. Othmar Reiser (1861-1936) Austrian ornithologist, Curator of Natural History Mus., Sarajevo 1887-1920, collector in Brazil 1903 (syn. Alectoris graeca, syn. Cettia cetti sericea, subsp. Cranioleuca vulpina, subsp. Emberiza schoeniclus, subsp. Iduna pallida, syn. Oenanthe hispanica, Phyllomyias, syn. Prunella collaris subalpina, subsp. Sittasomus griseicapillus, syn. Turdus viscivorus deichleri).
Olivaceous Woodcreeper (Olivaceous)
Latin Name: Sittasomus griseicapillus sylviellus/olivaceus
(Furnariidae; Ϯ Eastern Olivaceous Woodcreeper S. griseicapillus sylviellus) Genus Sitta Linnaeus, 1758, nuthatch; Gr. σωμα sōma, σωματος sōmatos body; "SITTASOMUS. ... Bill small, slender, straight, slightly notched; culmen rather curved. Wings moderate. Tail lengthened, rigid. Type. Dend. sylviellus. Temm., Pl. col. 72. f. 1? By this form the genera Oxyurus and Xenops appear to be brought together. It possesses the rigid scansorial tail of Dendrocolaptes, and the more feeble bill of Xenops." (Swainson 1827).
Var. Sittosomus.
Synon. Acanthurus, Sylosella.
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)