Rocket – Plant, Sisymbrium Genus

English name: Rocket

Sub Title:  Plant, Sisymbrium Genus

rocket, (genus Sisymbrium), genus of 90 species of plants of the mustard family (Brassicaceae). Rockets are often weedy and are common in waste areas and fields of the Northern Hemisphere and mountains in the Southern Hemisphere. The plants bear white or yellow four-petaled flowers and produce long, thin seedpods known as siliques. The leaves are usually coarse and deeply cut.

Eastern rocket, or Indian hedge mustard (S. orientale), is a Eurasian annual some 30–60 cm (1–2 feet) tall with long pods and clusters of small flowers at the stem tip. Hedge mustard (S. officinale), also a Eurasian species, has pods close to the stem and is naturalized in North America. Tumble mustard, or tall rocket (S. altissimum), is also naturalized in North America and forms a tumbleweed as it dries. London rocket (S. irio) has been used in folk medicine and is considered an invasive species in many places outside its native Eurasian range.

The name rocket is also given to common winter cress (Barbarea vulgaris).