Ixobrychus Eurhythmus Bird

Schrenck\'s Bittern / Ixobrychus eurhythmus

Ixobrychus Eurhythmus Bird

English Name:  Schrenck's Bittern
Latin Name:  Ixobrychus eurhythmus
Protonym:  Ardetta eurhythma Ibis p.74 pl.2
Taxonomy:  Pelecaniformes / Ardeidae / Ixobrychus
Taxonomy Code:  schbit1
Type Locality:  Amoy, Shanghai.
Author:  Swinhoe
Publish Year:  1873
IUCN Status:  Least Concern


(Ardeidae; Ϯ Little Bittern I. minutus) Gr. ιξιας ixias  reed-like plant (cf. ιξος ixos  mistletoe); βρυχομαι brukhomai  to bellow (cf. βρυχω brukhō  to gnash the teeth); "G. 74. IXOBRYCHUS **), Sv. Rördrom.   1. minutus:  ...  Nidificat in arundinetis, et ova 5-6 alba ponir. Timidus clamat: gäck, gäck, gäck, gäck!  ...  2. stellaris:  ...  Hab. in locis paludosis arundinetis, passim  ...  Volitans alte clamat, fere ut Corvus: kroah! in terra vero mas murmurat sona violente; huh, huh ter sexies.  ...  ** Hab. genere fere Ardeæ; sed collo plus minusve crassiore femoribusque plerumque parum nudis.  N. gen. e graecis vocis Iξος arundo, et βρυχω fremo desumtum." (Billberg 1828); "Ixobrychus Billberg, Syn. Faun. Scand., 1, pt. 2, 1828, p. 166. Type, by subsequent designation, Ardea minuta Linné. (Stone, Auk, 24, 1907, p. 192.)" (Peters 1931, I, 120).   
Synon. Ardeiralla, Ardetta, Dupetor, Erodiscus, Erythrophoyx, Nannocnus, Xanthocnus.

eurhythma / eurhythmus
Gr. ευρυθμος eurhuthmos graceful, well-proportioned < eu fine; ῥυθμος rhuthmos harmony, form; “The adult is a beautiful bird, which, combined with the striking character of the immature dress (no common feature amongst birds), suggests the name Ardetta eurhythma for this species” (Swinhoe 1873) (Ixobrychus).