Lathamus Discolor Bird

Lathamus Discolor Bird

Lathamus Discolor Bird

English Name:  Swift Parrot
Latin Name:  Lathamus discolor
Protonym:  Psittacus Discolor J.voy.NewS.Wales[White] pl.49
Taxonomy:  Psittaciformes / Psittaculidae / Lathamus
Taxonomy Code:  swipar1
Type Locality:  New South Wales.
Author:  Shaw
Publish Year:  1790
IUCN Status:  Critically Endangered


(Psittacidae; Ϯ Swift Parrot L. discolor) Dr. John Latham (1740-1837) English ornithologist (cf. specific name Psittacus lathami Bechstein, 1811 (= syn. Lathamus discolor)); "XII.e Sous-genre. LATHAM; Lathamus.  Nanodes, Vig. et Horsf.   Bec petit, mince, court, à arête convexe, à pointe peu saillante; à mandibule inférieure arrondie; les bords lisses; tarses grêles, courts; ailes courtes; queue médiocre, composée de rectrices inégales, étagées, étroites, roides, pointues et affectant une disposition cunéiforme.   ...  77. LATHAM A FRONT D'AZUR; Lathamus azureus: Perruche d'Edwards; Psittacus pulchellus, Shaw, pl. 96; Levaill., Perroq., pl. 68 (femelle); Swainson, Zool. illustr., t. II, pl. 73.  ...  Habite la Nouvelle-Zélande.  ...  78. LATHAM A BANDEAU ROUGE; Lathamus rubrifrons: Perruche de Latham; Psittacus discolor, Shaw; Levaill., pl. 62; White, Itin. pl. 263; Swainson, Zool. illustr., pl. 62.  ...  Habite la Nouvelle-Hollande.   79. LATHAM A MASQUE ROUGE; Lathamus pusillus: Psittacus pusillus, Lath.  ...   Habite la Nouvelle-Hollande  ...   80. LATHAM A BANDEAU ROUGE; Lathamus concinnus: Psittacus concinnus, Shaw; Levaill., Perroq., pl. 48.  ...  Habite la Nouvelle-Hollande.    81. LATHAM DE SPARMANN; Lathamus Sparmanii: Psittacus Novæ Zelandiæ, Gm.; Lath., esp. 58; Sparm., Mus. Carls.  ...  Habite la Nouvelle-Zélande" (Lesson 1830); "Lathamus Lesson, Traité d'Orn., livr. 3, 1830, p. 205. Substitute name for Nanodes Vigors and Horsfield, preoccupied. (Type of Nanodes Vigors and Horsfield, by subsequent designation, is Psittacus discolor Shaw i.e. White.)   ...   Replaces Nanodes Vigors and Horsfield 1827, not of Schoenherr 1825, Insecta." (Peters 1937, III, 166).
Synon. Euphema, Nanodes.

discolor / discolorus
L. discolor, discoloris  of different colours, parti-coloured, various   < color, coloris  colour.
● ex “Grand Coucou de Madagascar” of Brisson 1760, “Vouron-Driou” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “African Cuckow cum var. A” of Latham 1782 (Leptosomus).
● ex “Tangavio du Buenos-Ayres” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 710, and “Tordo común” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 61 (syn. Molothrus bonariensis).
● See: dicolorus