Crassulaceae – Taxonomy, Major Genera
English name: Crassulaceae
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Crassulaceae, the stonecrop family of about 30 genera and 1,400 species of perennial herbs or low shrubs, the largest family in the order Saxifragales. The family is widespread from tropical to boreal regions but is concentrated in arid regions of the world. Many species are succulents and are grown as pot plants or cultivated in rock gardens and borders.

Members of the family Crassulaceae are characterized by very thick fleshy leaves and by water-storage tissues in the leaves and stems. A specialized system of photosynthesis (light capture) adaptive to these kinds of conditions has been named after the family—Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM). Special hairs, aerial roots, and surface cells may enable some species to absorb water directly from the air. Members of the genus Kalanchoe produce clonal plantlets on the indentations of the leaf margins. Flowers in the family are bisexual, with the perianth parts (sepals and petals) in sets of four or five. A nectar-producing gland sits at the base of each of the 3–10 separate carpels.

The family includes a number of widely grown ornamental perennials. Crassula, with about 200 species, includes the commonly cultivated jade plant (Crassula ovata), which is native to South Africa. Surprisingly, some species of Crassula have evolved into aquatic plants. Sedum, with some 400 species known as stonecrops, contains many favourite rock-garden plants, and other species are grown as pot plants. The genus Kalanchoe comprises about 125 species including the florist’s kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana). Echeveria is a large genus of succulent plants, many of which are popular ornamentals and houseplants for their compact symmetrical leaf rosettes. Sempervivum, commonly known as houseleek or hen-and-chicks, contains about 40 species of low mat-forming succulents.
Other genera include Bryophyllum, Cotyledon, Monanthes, Tylecodon, and Umbilicus.