Hydropsalis Climacocerca Bird
Hydropsalis Climacocerca Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Caprimulgus climacocercus Arch.Naturgesch. 10 p.269
Taxonomy: Caprimulgiformes / Caprimulgidae / Hydropsalis
Taxonomy Code: latnig1
Type Locality: Peru.
Author: von Tschudi
Publish Year: 1844
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Caprimulgidae; Ϯ Scissor-tailed Nightjar H. torquata furcifer) Gr. ὑδρο- hudro- water- < ὑδωρ hudōr, ὑδατος hudatos water; ψαλις psalis, ψαλιδος psalidos pair of scissors; "A. Hirundines terrestres. Genus. Hydropsalis, Wasserscheere (Nov. Gen.) Character universalis Caprimulgi; cauda profunde furcata, rectrice utrinque extima elongatissima. Species: 1. Hydrops. Azarae (Engoulevent à queue en ciseau Azar. Caprimulgus furcifer Vieill., Caprim. psalurus Temm. Pl. col. 157 ♂ 158 ♀) — 2. H. manurus (Caprim. manurus Vieill. n. d. X. p. 239.) Hydrops. Azarae erscheint in Paraguay mitten im Winter (nie im Frühjahre oder Sommer); fliegt beständig über dem Wasser der Flüsse und an deren Ufern hin und her. Bei Aenderungen der Flugrichtung breitet er die langen seitlichen Federn des Schwanzes wie die Klingen eines Scheere auseinander." (Wagler 1832); "Hydropsalis Wagler, Isis von Oken, 1832, col. 1222. Type, by subsequent designation, Caprimulgus furcifer Vieillot (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 11)." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 217).
Var. Hydropsallis, Hydropsalia, Pydrosalis, Pydropsalis.
Synon. Antiurus, Diplopsalis, Psalurus, Stenopsis, Thermochalcis.
Gr. κλιμαξ klimax, κλιμακος klimakos ladder; κερκος kerkos tail.
Ladder-tailed Nightjar (schomburgki)
Latin Name: Hydropsalis climacocerca schomburgki
schomburgi / schomburgki / schomburgkii
● Moritz Richard Schomburgk (1811-1890 or 1891) German/Australian botanist, collector, explorer in Guiana 1840-1844, emigrated to South Australia 1849, Director of Botanic Gardens, Adelaide 1866-1890 (subsp. Hydropsalis climacocerca, Micropygia).
● Sir Robert Hermann Schomburgk (1804-1865) German/British explorer in Guiana 1840-1844, Consul to San Domingo 1848, Consul to Thailand 1857-1864 (syn. Chrysococcyx maculatus, syn. Lanius schach longicaudatus).
Ladder-tailed Nightjar (climacocerca)
Latin Name: Hydropsalis climacocerca climacocerca
Gr. κλιμαξ klimax, κλιμακος klimakos ladder; κερκος kerkos tail.
Ladder-tailed Nightjar (intercedens)
Latin Name: Hydropsalis climacocerca intercedens
L. intercedens, intercedentis interposed, coming between < intercedere to come between.
● Not only does the Growling Riflebird occupy eastern New Guinea, between the ranges of the two subspp. of the Magnificent Riflebird L. magnifica, but the female resembles the female of the nominate subsp. and the male resembles the male of the other (Lophorina).
Ladder-tailed Nightjar (pallidior)
Latin Name: Hydropsalis climacocerca pallidior
pallidior / pallidiora
L. pallidior, pallidioris paler < comp. pallidus pale < pallere to be pale.
Ladder-tailed Nightjar (canescens)
Latin Name: Hydropsalis climacocerca canescens
L. canescens, canescentis greyish < canescere to become hoary or white < canere to be grey < canus grey.
● ex “Van Diemen’s Warbler” of Latham 1787 (subsp. Phylidonyris novaehollandiae).
● ex “Cinereous Godwit” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1785 (syn. Tringa nebularia).
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)