Melanocorypha Calandra Bird
Melanocorypha Calandra Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Alauda calandra Syst.Nat.ed.12 ed.12 p.288
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Alaudidae / Melanocorypha
Taxonomy Code: callar1
Type Locality: Pyrenees.
Author: Linnaeus
Publish Year: 1766
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Alaudidae; Ϯ Black Lark M. yeltoniensis) Gr. μελαγκορυφος melankoruphos unidentified black-headed bird, mentioned by Aristotle (probably confused by Boie with Gr. κορυδος korudos crested lark < κορυς korus, κορυθος koruthos helmet, or κορυθος koruthos unidentified crested bird); "Gattung Melanocorypha.1 ... Hieher aus Europa: 1. Alauda calandra Lin. Africa: 2. crassirostris Vaill. 3. deserti Lichst. 4. melanocephala Lichst. 5. saxicoloides — Vaill. Afr. pl. 191. Asien: 5 [sic]. Alauda tatarica Pall. 7. mongolica Pall. Man kennt die Lebensweise der hier vereinigten Vögel noch zu wenig, um darüber entscheiden zu dürfen, ob solche mit der Horsfieldschen Alauda javanica, dem Typus der Gattung Mirafra des leßteren vereinigt bleiben können. ... 1 Mελανοκορυφος, Aristot." (Boie 1828); "Melanocorypha Boie, 1828, Isis von Oken, 21, col. 322. Type, by subsequent designation, M. tatarica (L.) Boie, Mus. Carls., fasc. j., pl. 19 — Alauda tatarica Pallas = Alauda yeltoniensis Forster (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Birds, 1840, p. 48)." (Peters 1960, IX, 40).
Var. Melancorypha.
Synon. Calandra, Calandrina, Corydon, Corydus, Londra, Melanocoryphoides, Nigrilauda, Pallasia, Pterocorys, Saxilauda.
melancorypha / melancoryphus
L. melancoryphus unknown bird, variously identified < Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos black; κορυφη koruphē head.
Unattested L. calandra Calandra Lark < Gr. καλανδρος kalandros Calandra Lark.
● ex “Cenchramus” of Bellon 1555, “Emberiza alba” of Gessner 1555, and Willughby 1676, “Alaudae congener” or “Calandra” of Aldrovandus 1599, “Bunting” of Ray 1713, “Miliaria cana” of Frisch 1733, and “Emberiza grisea nigro-maculata” of Linnaeus 1746 (“Common Bunting ... during the winter, when they are shot in numbers, or caught in nets; and, from their similar plumage, are sold for Larks to the ignorant; and indeed by the better informed often pass by the name of Bunting Larks” (Latham 1783) (Emberiza).
● ex "Calandra" of Edwards 1760, and "Calandre" of Brisson 1760 (Melanocorypha).
Unattested L. calandra Calandra Lark < Gr. καλανδρος kalandros Calandra Lark (Eddie Germiquet in litt.). "Calandre. Il semble que la diction Calandre vienne aux Françoys de la Greque Coridalus. Plusieurs s'abusent, prenants la grande espece de Grive pour Calandre, qui est erreur commune à plusieurs pourvoyeurs de la court. Les anciens n'ont fait aucune mention de la Calandre que l'ayons peu sçavoir, aussi est-ce un oyseau qu'on ne voirroit en France, n'estoit qu'on l'eust apporté en cage. Sa voix est hautaine, & chante melodieusement. C'est une espece d'Alouëtte, tellement que pour avoir la perspective de la Calandre, il se faut imaginer voir une Alouëtte, quasi aussi grande qu'un Estourneau. Parquoy qui diroit que la Calandre est une grande Alouëtte, ne faudroit" (Belon 1555).
● (Emberizidae; ?syn. Emberiza) Doubtless based on "Calandra" of Aldrovandus 1599 (= Emberiza calandra) (see Bengalis).
● (Alaudidae; syn. Melanocorypha Ϯ Calandra Lark M. calandra) "D'autres ont le bec si gros qu'on pourrait, sous ce rapport, les rapprocher des moineaux. Telle est La Calandre. (Al. calandra.) Enl., 363, 2. ... Mais surtout L'Alouette de Tartarie. (Al. Tatarica et mutabilis et tanagra Sibirica Gm.) Sparm., Mus. Carls., pl. xix" (Cuvier 1817); "Alauda, Sirli, Calandra" (Oken 1817); "29. An European Calander (Calandra Buffonii). Presented by Dr Leach" (Brookes 1830); "CONIROSTRES. Les Alouettes. - Alouette, Alauda; Calandre, Calandra; Sirli, ---?" (Wood 1836).
Var. Alanda.
● (Alaudidae; syn. Melanocorypha Ϯ Mongolian Lark M. mongolica) "4. Alauda mongolica, Pall. Itin. App. p. 697. No. 19. = Alauda (Calandra) mongolica. This is a very distinct species belonging to the subgenus Calandra or Melanocorypha, Boié, together with Alauda tatarica, A. leucoptera, Pall. and A. bimaculata, Menetries (Catal. des objets de zoologie du Caucase)" (Brandt 1843).
Calandra Lark (calandra)
Latin Name: Melanocorypha calandra calandra
Unattested L. calandra Calandra Lark < Gr. καλανδρος kalandros Calandra Lark.
● ex “Cenchramus” of Bellon 1555, “Emberiza alba” of Gessner 1555, and Willughby 1676, “Alaudae congener” or “Calandra” of Aldrovandus 1599, “Bunting” of Ray 1713, “Miliaria cana” of Frisch 1733, and “Emberiza grisea nigro-maculata” of Linnaeus 1746 (“Common Bunting ... during the winter, when they are shot in numbers, or caught in nets; and, from their similar plumage, are sold for Larks to the ignorant; and indeed by the better informed often pass by the name of Bunting Larks” (Latham 1783) (Emberiza).
● ex "Calandra" of Edwards 1760, and "Calandre" of Brisson 1760 (Melanocorypha).
Calandra Lark (hebraica)
Latin Name: Melanocorypha calandra hebraica
L. Hebraicus of the Hebrews (i.e. of Palestine) <Hebraei Hebrews.
Calandra Lark (gaza)
Latin Name: Melanocorypha calandra gaza
Gaza or Ghazza district, southern Palestine.
Calandra Lark (psammochroa)
Latin Name: Melanocorypha calandra psammochroa
Gr. ψαμμος psammos sand; χροα khroa, χροας khroas appearance, colour < χρως khrōs, χρωτος khrōtos complexion.
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)