Lophoceros Bradfieldi Bird
Lophoceros Bradfieldi Bird
English Name:
Latin Name:
Protonym: Rhyncaceros bradfieldi Ostrich 1 p.65
Taxonomy: Bucerotiformes / Bucerotidae / Lophoceros
Taxonomy Code: brahor1
Type Locality: No locality = Waterberg, Southwest Africa.
Author: Roberts
Publish Year: 1930
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Bucerotidae; Ϯ African Grey Hornbill L. nasutus) Gr. λοφος lophos crest; genus Buceros Linnaeus, 1758, hornbill; "1) Bucerotem Forskålii (8) ... (8) Buceros, Lophoceros, Forskålii H. et E. Dymludj, est Crotophaga griseo maculata Tullack Forskålii. Statura et colore B. nasuto senegalensi perquam similis, sed paullo maior, alis longioribus, rostro validiore, quadripollicari, ad narium basin altiore, pedum digito postico longiore. Rostri tomia lacera, grosse serrata. Cauda alas complicatas 4 pollices superat (apud nasutum 5). ... Vox stridens ingrata. ... Lophocerotes eos Bucerotes appellavi, qui, aut cornu, aut eius vestigium in acie rostri gerunt, qui rostri aciem plane simplicem offerunt Alophii sunt." (Ehrenberg 1833); "The L. nasutus and the L. birostris, on account of having casques continued anteriorly to a sharp point, and projecting over the maxilla, cannot be retained in the genus Tockus, whose members have merely the culmen slightly elevated into a crest-like ridge. I have therefore adopted for them the term Lophoceros, proposed by Hemprich and Ehrenberg in 1828" (Elliot 1882); "Lophoceros Ehrenberg, Symb. Phys., Av., 1833, sig. z. Type, Buceros (Lophoceros) forskålii Ehrenberg. (Here definitely designated for the first time.)" (Peters 1945, V, 254); "4. Lophoceros nasutus ... Larger, darker birds from NE Ethiopia and SW Arabia described as race forskalii, and paler ones from S Angola and Namibia as dorsalis, but neither seems distinct enough to warrant recognition." (del Hoyo & Collar 2014, 568).
Synon. Calao, Grammicus, Poecilorhynchus, Protockus, Rhynchaceros.
Rupert Dudley Bradfield (1882-1949) South African farmer, naturalist, collector who stopped sending his specimens to the ornithologist Austin Roberts after the latter indicated that he intended to discontinue the use of eponyms! (Apus, subsp. Calendulauda sabota, syn. Chersomanes albofasciata arenaria, syn. Clanga pomarina, syn. Columba guinea phaeonota, subsp. Emberiza capensis, Lophoceros, syn. Motacilla capensis, syn. Ortygospiza atricollis muelleri).
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)