Polytelis Anthopeplus Bird

Polytelis Anthopeplus Bird

Polytelis Anthopeplus Bird

English Name:  Regent Parrot
Latin Name:  Polytelis anthopeplus
Protonym:  Palaeornis anthopeplus Ill.Psittac.[Lear] pt8 pl.29
Taxonomy:  Psittaciformes / Psittaculidae / Polytelis
Taxonomy Code:  regpar1
Type Locality:  No locality = New South Wales.
Author:  Lear
Publish Year:  1831
IUCN Status:  Least Concern


(Psittacidae; Ϯ Superb Parrot P. swainsonii) Gr. πολυτελης polutelēs  exquisite  < πολυς polus  much; τελος telos  expense, celebration; "Genus II. Polytelis*) Wagl.  Prachtsittich.  Character generis praecedentis [Palaeornis]; pedes elevati, graciles, tarso tereti.   Genus Australiae proprium. Vitae ratio latet.   Species: 1. P. Barrabandi.   ...   *) Πολυτελης exquisitus.  Avis generis ob pedes altos et graciles genus sequens cum praecedente connectens." (Wagler 1832); "Polytelis Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. Kl., 1, 1832, p. 489. Type, by monotypy, P. barrabandi = Psittacus barrabandi Swainson, not of Kuhl = Psittacus swainsonii Desmarest." (Peters 1937, III, 246).
Var. Polyteles, Polyletes.
Synon. Barrabandius, Northipsitta, Sindelia, Spathopterus.

Gr. ανθος anthos bloom; πεπλος peplos cloak, mantle; ex “Blossom-feathered Parrakeet” of Lear 1831; according to Salvadori 1891, the Regent Parrot illustrated is a young one, but Gould 1865, and Dr Clemency Fisher (comm.) considered it to be a female of the western form; in either case the name refers to the pink-tinted secondaries (Polytelis).


Regent Parrot (anthopeplus)
Latin Name: Polytelis anthopeplus anthopeplus
Gr. ανθος anthos bloom; πεπλος peplos cloak, mantle; ex “Blossom-feathered Parrakeet” of Lear 1831; according to Salvadori 1891, the Regent Parrot illustrated is a young one, but Gould 1865, and Dr Clemency Fisher (comm.) considered it to be a female of the western form; in either case the name refers to the pink-tinted secondaries (Polytelis).

Regent Parrot (monarchoides)
Latin Name: Polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides
Gr. μοναρχης monarkhēs monarch, ruler; -οιδης -oidēs resembling; “Regent Parrot ...paraphrases the English name” (Schodde 1993) (subsp. Polytelis anthopeplus).